Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Spandan, the bip: Public Launch, Collaborators meet and interactions with press

On May 7, 2010 first public event of Spandan, the bip was held in Pune, India. It was planned as the collaborators meet and interactions with the press. Pune was soaring with 39 C on that day. I had just landed from Dehradun the previous night after participating in workshop on biodiversity data publishing. I was tired and therefore, could not even review the preparations for the next day event. However, I must say that both Gurushant and Neha did an excellent job. Well done!

We had very interesting session - sensing the informal mood, I gave presentation about Spandan, the bip in an informal yet informative style. I used story of Vitthal to emphasise citizens participation in Spandan, the bip. Maitri's video about Spandan, the bip was also appreciated a lot. While every one present in the meeting appreciated and lauded the initiative, several commitments were made. Great response that enthused me further to announce three activities to ensure global uptake of Spandan, the bip.

1. Global School/College/University Competion
2. Global City or Urban Biodiversity Inventory Compaign
3. Spandan, the bip YATRA and World Spandan, the bip Day

While first two are web based competitions or campaigns, the third one will be different in nature. During December 2010 and January 2011, I intend to hold walkathons together with interactions with citizens, civil societies and roadshows in 26-30 cities in India. I personally wish to travel to all these places. Of course, this requires participation of local civil society organisations, it also needs resources - but I am sure that will flow in, if the idea is appealing, which I believe is worth pursuing. I wish to create the awareness in every house hold about the role of citizens in biodiversity inventory exercise. We all have a role to play and further that's our responsibility too!

I will be requesting two things - (a) data for Spandan, the bip and (b) rupee each contributions from the citizens to strengthen the Spandan, the bip infrastructure and ensure validation of data by the experts. I trust India will not let me down. With billions Indian supporting no initiative is impossible. Nothing is impossible!

On the 14th of January we hope to conclude Spandan, the bip YATRA with roadshows in major cities worldwide and thus celebrate 14th January as World Spandan, the bip day. The target during whole exercise is to have nearly 500,000 to 5000,000 biodiversity observations contributed from citizens worldwide.

Together we can achieve what seems impossible now - as nothing is impossible. After all this is a question of our own survival and sustenance of human race on this planet called 'Mother Earth'.


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